Onsite Visits

After the initial contact, an On-Site Visit is recommended to make sure both parties are on the same page. The On-Site Visits will be free of charge. After that, most new projects can be worked out remotely, unless there's a need for a closer look to document the details more accurately.

The Main Reasons for the Onsite Visit

  1. Allows both parties to meet face to face and earn each others trust.
  2. To see, document and discuss all the tasks up close and decide which ones I am able to complete and willing to take on.
  3. Discussing the order and time frame(s) in which you need each item completed.
  4. Determining the tools and any materials needed to complete the work properly.
  5. To create a detailed ToDo List of what was discussed, send it to you for confirmation, and finally to calculate and provide a quote to you for all the labor and materials pricing.